Monday, July 13, 2009

Eddie's First REAL Fish

Words aren't really necessary for this video. The excitement in Eddie's voice says it all. Last year I got Eddie & Josh fishing poles for Father's Day. Ever since they've been casually fishing together. Eddie's pole came with a rubber fish tied to the end of his line. Last summer they would bike to a local fishing spot, Josh would catch nothing and Eddie would catch all sorts of pretend fish (sharks, wiggly fish, rooster fish, etc). With a full year of fishing (& lots of practicing in our backyard) Eddie's has developed a great cast. Things changed this summer when Eddie realized that other fishermen were actually catching real fish. So the mission this summer was to catch a REAL fish. Eddie began asking people how to catch a REAL fish. We tried bread balls & hot dogs with no success, so Eddie began digging for worms. Last Tuesday Eddie found a family of worms and we kept them alive in his bucket until this weekend (yes, the worms traveled over 3 hours in the car to Pennsylvania and even spent the night at Great Aunt Linda's house). We spent Saturday night with Grandpa & Nona at Gramma Dennis's lake cottage and Sunday morning after breakfast we headed to the lake to go fishing. Eddie was great with the bait (loved picking out the worms & playing with the leeches). The lake was clear to the bottom and there was not a fish to be seen. The adults weren't very optimistic about our chances. Then Eddie's bobber went under & the rest you can see on the video above. By the end of the morning Eddie had caught three fish total 2 of them entirely by himself (cast, snag & real in). It was by far the highlight of a perfect weekend (I'll blog about the rest of the weekend later).


sbt said...

You had kind of lost me with worms and leeches (I realize I will be in big trouble if I have boys!!), but the video, oh my goodness - such excitement!! Congrats, Eddie!!

Ali Skye Bennet said...

Oh my god, sooooo CUTE!!! Can't wait to hug that boy!